Windpark Fryslan

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Offshore wind High Voltage specialists V&SH Offshore have been awarded the contract by Van Oord Offshore Wind Projects B.V. to perform all array cable Terminations and Testing work at Windpark Fryslân, currently being the largest inland windpark in the world.

The 89 wind turbines at Windpark Fryslân contain a 33 kV inter array cable connection which will be connected to the Onshore High Voltage Substation. V&SH Offshore has been selected to carry out all termination and testing operations.

The routing, termination and testing activities will commence as soon as the cable installation starts.

We are looking forward to continuing the cooperation with Van Oord.

“After the installation of the Onshore export cable(s) for Windpark Fryslân in the onshore substation, performing the termination and testing of the array cables, fits perfectly within our field of expertise. This will be our second project in a row with Van Oord Offshore Wind B.V. and we are proud to have been selected based on the good cooperation on the Borssele project.”

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