Baltic Eagle

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The Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm is a major renewable energy project being developed by Iberdrola in the Baltic Sea, off the coast of Rügen Island, Germany. This project brings together industry leaders from different facets of the offshore renewable energy industry, including Vestas on wind turbines and Van Oord for foundations and inter-array cable installation. With a total installed capacity of 476 MW, the wind farm is set to supply renewable energy to approximately 475,000 households, marking a significant step towards reducing carbon emissions by nearly one million tonnes annually.  

About the project

Capacity: 50 wind turbines, each with a capacity of 9.53 MW 
Timeline: Began construction in 2022, with expected completion and commencement of operations by the end of 2024. 

Project Significance: Baltic Eagle not only contributes significantly to Germany’s clean energy transition but also supports the local economy through job creation and technological advancements in the renewable energy sector. This ambitious project, along with Iberdrola’s other initiatives like the Wikinger and upcoming Windanker wind farms, forms a considerable part of the Baltic Hub, aiming to generate enough energy to substantially cover the electricity needs of the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. Together, Baltic Eagle and Wikinger will produce 826MW, enough to meet 45% of the electricity consumption requirements of the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. and contribute towards the region’s and Germany’s renewable energy goals.  

Reynard’s role

The project, which started in November 2023, is progressing steadily. We have expanded the teams with an additional hybrid T&T team and added 2 supervisors per rotation. Stefan Nadirhoesein handles engineering and technical project management, and Celik Karakas manages the project.

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Image of the top of a wind turbine with clouds and blue sky

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