Future-Proofing Europe’s Power Grid: 400 kV AC and 525 kV DC Electrical Grid Upgrades

Power grid with high-voltage lines and transformers at an electricity substation under a clear blue sky

Introduction to Europe’s Electrical Grid Modernization As Europe accelerates its journey towards a sustainable, low-carbon economy, upgrading its power grid becomes essential. The continent’s reliance on renewable energy sources, particularly wind and solar, demands an advanced and resilient electrical grid capable of efficient long-distance transmission. With countries now investing heavily in 400 kV AC and […]

Moray East Onshore Substations

image of energy plant

The three substations of Moray East Offshore Windfarm were prepared onshore. V&SH Offshore performed the pulling, routing, termination and testing of 57 HV cables and 9 FO cables establishing the circuits for the offshore connections between the substations and the strings. Onshore Preparation By performing as much of this scope onshore, both costs and risk […]

Windpark Friesland

High Voltage Cable Roll

VS&H Offshore werkt aan de energietransitie op het project Windpark Fryslân in het Friese deel van het IJsselmeer, nabij Breezanddijk. Wij leggen in opdracht van het aannemersconsortium Zuiderzeewind komend jaar de 110kV hoogspanningskabels aan die het windpark verbinden met het hoogspanningsnet van netbeheerder TenneT. Het is de langste duurzame energieverbinding over land in Nederland. Vanaf […]





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